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The World's Smallest Violin Plays For Matt Lauer

By Kristy Puchko | TV | June 20, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | TV | June 20, 2019 |


NBC’s Today celebrated its 25th anniversary at their Studio 1A location with a sprawling montage recounting all the fun had on America’s plaza. The segment took a look back at incredible concerts, on-air marriage proposals, and an array of special celebrations. Today hosts Al Roker, Savannah Guthrie, Carson Daly, Hoda Kotb, and Jenna Bush were featured in footage and talking head interviews. But some fans noticed a big omission from the montage: Matt Lauer.

The disgraced Today host had worked on the show for nearly all of the 25 years being toasted in the video, but he doesn’t seem to appear in a single frame of the celebration montage. He’s not even in shots of their Halloween costume extravaganza, in which he always played a big role. Essentially, in this major moment in Today show history, Lauer was pointedly written out. Presumably, this was because he was fired from the show over sexual misconduct allegations, that included lewd comments, sexual harassment, exposing his genitalia to co-workers, sexual assault, and trapping female coworkers in his office with the help of a button on his desk that locked the door behind them.

But hey, some people still think Lauer deserved to be in the montage and took to Twitter to stand up for the alleged serial creep.

But drowning out the “woe is Matt Lauer” crowd, was the “seriously, f*ck that guy” crowd.

One more time for the people in the back: Seriously, f*ck that guy!

Sources: Twitter, Vanity Fair, Fox News