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Martin Short Hosts the X-Mas 'SNL' with a Parade of Cameos and Joke Swap

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 22, 2024 |

Header Image Source: NBC

Cold Open — There were so many 5-Timers cameos this time out that they just turned it into a wildly amusing cold open more star-packed than an Avengers movie or Only Murders in the Building episode (in fact, there were a lot of both in attendance). Good stuff. Even Jimmy Fallon delivered a funny, self-aware joke. (Score: 7.5 out of 10)

Martin Short Monologue — Martin Short does what Martin Short does best: A lot of funny, catty one-liners followed by a big, rousing Christmas song. It’s almost like Martin Short is good at variety shows.

Parking Lot Altercation — It’s the Christmas episode with a 5-Timers inductee during the 50th Anniversary, so we just have to accept there will be a lot of surprise appearances. Here, they were rocking a nice 6 out of 10 with two guys miming their words while fighting over a parking spot, but then Melissa McCarthy arrived in the last 30 seconds and sent it soaring. Jesus Christ, she’s good. There are surprisingly few sketches tonight, but this one gets the Mat sketch of the week! (Score: 8 out of 10)

An Act of Kindness — In a pretape, a woman tries to provide an act of kindness for a homeless man but it backfires spectacularly, and the punchline is … that wouldn’t have happened if you watched more Fox News. (Watch Here) (Score: 4.5 out of 10)

Christmas Airport Parade — Bowen and Ego provide commentary on various folks in an airport during the Christmas rush. It’s OK sketch, buoyed by Paul Rudd and Tom Hanks. (Score: 6 out of 10)

Weekend Update — It’s the Christmas episode, and you know what’s coming: The joke swap, which Colin has to do in a “Black voice” while his wife Scarlett Johansson watches. They somehow managed to top themselves. It’s one of those laugh-so-hard-your-stomach hurts joke swaps (And don’t bother with Bowen Yang as a drone). (Score: 9 out of 10)

Sábado Gigante Christmas Special — It’s that gameshow where Marcello Hernandez speaks only in Spanish and he invites an American rube up (Paul Rudd), who doesn’t understand what’s going on. And for some reason, Dana Carvey makes a brief appearance. Do you have a home, Dana? (Watch Here) (Score: 4 out of 10)

Peanuts — Martin Short and Bowen Yang direct the Peanuts Christmas Special. Eh. It was going to be next to impossible to follow the joke swap. They probably should’ve just ended the show there. (Watch Here) (Score: 4 out of 10)