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Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 11.04.49 AM.png

Mariah Carey Surprises Jimmy Kimmel In Bed

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 3, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | November 3, 2023 |

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November 1st is usually my least favorite day of the year. I love October when most of society embraces all things spooky. When November hits, I’m usually a ball of depression. This year was easier for a few reasons. For one, my beloved Texas Rangers won the World Series. After 30 years of being teased for cheering on a losing team, they aren’t losers anymore. Second, I have two kids. They had a blast with Spooky Season like their dad this year. This will also be the first year they are aware of Christmas, and I’m excited for them to have fun with that as well.

As if in some bizarre twist of fate, this morning was the first time my kids heard All I Want For Christmas Is You. The Mariah Carey tune is inescapable this time of year. Unless you are two and a half and your dad controls the music you listen to. In past years, my reaction to that song’s powerful annual emergence is more in line with this Tweet.

Today, I put it on and danced happily with my kids. Yes, “dancing” to them currently means running around our ottoman repeatedly, but I’ll take it. Then, when searching for something to write about (and avoid talking about my least favorite person), I stumbled upon a bit from Jimmy Kimmel: Live that featured Mariah Carey and her signature song. Co-head writer and Kimmel’s wife, Molly McNearney, helped Mariah Carey surprise Kimmel in bed with a performance of Christmas’ oft-played song.

The surprise Kimmel displays is deeply hilarious. There’s no shock or staged screaming. He looks genuinely confused. Before he can fully comprehend what’s happening, Carey is out of his room and down to his living room. This video brought me so much joy this morning. It’s funny and timely and preyed on my burgeoning holiday spirit with precision. The holidays will not be escaped! Prepare thyself for the coming storm of jingle bells and mistletoe. Followed by the cold darkness of January. Maybe I am still depressed.