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Louis C.K. Hosts a Better than Average "Saturday Night Live," But Delivers The Best Sketch of the Season

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 4, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 4, 2012 |

Last night’s Louis C.K. hosted “Saturday Night Live” was both a confirmation and a defiance of my worst fears. I had worries that “SNL” would be a drag on arguably the funniest guy in America, and that he would feel oversized on a sketch show. The last half of the show largely confirmed that: With the exception of one weird, gross, but hilarious kiss in the final sketch of the night, the last three sketches were typically bad late-episode skits that any host could’ve bombed in just as well as Louis. However, the front half of the episode was absolutely brilliant, and regardless of how poorly he was utilized in the latter sketches, Louis’ monologue and, especially, his “Lincoln” sketch made the whole thing brilliantly worthwhile. In fact, the “Lincoln” sketch was the best of the entire season.

The Cold Open, which featured Michael Bloomberg and Chris Christie — along with the sign language interpreters — was an amusing send up of Bloomberg detachment, of Christie’s adoration of Obama, and of white people problems. I hope like hell Chris Christie runs for President in 2016 just because he’s going to be an amazingly fun person to satirize on “SNL.”

The Louis stand-up routine as monologue was a little odd at first — it sounded like a “Seinfeld” bit — but as soon as he followed the trail to its logical conclusion — being sexually attracted to elderly women — it felt like home. It’s strange to see Louis C.K. in a good mood after the downer fourth season of his show, and I will say, a Louis C.K. monologue without a reference to masturbation is kind of like baked mac and cheese without breadcrumbs.

Meanwhile, on the always brilliant Fox and Friends sketch, Fox news blames Obama for Hurricane Sandy. Sudeikis’ Trump impersonation is yet another reason why we’re going to miss the hell out of Sudeikis if, as rumored, he leaves in January. Make sure and pause the Fox and Friends corrections: They’re all so good, it’s impossible to pick a best one (Oh, OKAY: “The Statute of Liberty was not a gift from Santa.”)

… and here is the first and only truly Louis C.K. sketch of the night, and it is brilliant. Louis as Lincoln in a version of “Louie.” Best sketch of the season.

Weekend Update was heavy on Hurricane Sandy jokes, but all in all, solidly funny.

Jason Sudeikis also showed up as Mitt Romney on “Weekend Update,” and he was, as usual, great and for my money, the only positive of a Romney administration.

I hate The Girl At a Party You Shouldn’t Have Started a Conversation With only because it is so deadly accurate.

Finally, here’s Last Call, a not great sketch made much better by that really gross, really funny tongue bath that Louis C.K. gives Kate McKinnon.

NBC also sent us a dress rehearsal version of the “Lincoln” sketch, but it’s not working for me. Maybe you’ll have better luck.