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Lewis Black on 2023: 'At Long Last, People Have Stopped Watching Marvel Movies, and Thank God'

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 6, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 6, 2023 |


The Daily Show has gone through a lot of upheavals in 2023 with its weekly guest hosts, and yet there has been one constant through the Jon Stewart, Trevor Noah, and daily hosts eras: Lewis Black! The man is 75 years old, but he’s still got it, returning to remind us all that 2023 wasn’t that bad, while 2024 is going to “suck” a lot worse than anyone of us can imagine.

He’s not wrong about 2023. Oh, sure: Lots of terrible things have happened, but think of all the ways in which we have been blessed by 2023, as Black recounts: People finally stopped watching Marvel movies, he celebrates (I have mixed feelings); it was the beginning of the end for Elon Musk’s Twitter; and the best thing about 2023 is that Kanye West “finally shut the f**k up … I’m just glad he left the antisemitism to literally everyone else.”

Amen. Lewis Black is a treasure.