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Let's Talk 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Season 10, Episode 3: Tap That App

By Kristy Puchko | TV | April 6, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | TV | April 6, 2018 |


This is not RuPaul’s Best Friend Race. Last night on RuPaul’s Drag Race, the queens were fighting, throwing shade, and throwing each other under the bus. Girl, settle down! It’s only episode three!


To kick off the ep, Ru promoted his chocolate bar (which yes is real, but not available on iTunes) with a quick drag challenge that asked the queens to create “fresh off the bus” characters. Considering that’s Blair St. Clair’s whole schtick, it seemed pretty geared to allow her to shine. But credit it where it’s due, she did so with some unexpected Wednesday Addams realness.


Blair, Monique Heart and Monet X. Change shared the win, and so became team captains for the Tap That App challenge, where they needed to make funny commercials for new, outrageous apps. But the challenge itself was kind of lame, and the team drama (Eureka versus The Vixen, Yuhua Hamasaki ignoring everyone and doing her own unfunny thing) didn’t compare to the make-up mirror drama.

Episode one led us to believe that the big rivalry this year would be between NYC queens/twinsies Aquaria and Miz Cracker. But Cracker’s been proving herself as a witty queen, whose twice made it to the top, while Aquaria’s been solidly safe, left to stew in the Untucked lounge. Cracker’s not interesting in fighting, but The Vixen came to fight! And she’s going for it, not letting a single half-baked, shady one-liner of Aquaria’s go by. And look, I prefer when the show focuses on the work of drag and its sisterhood. But I am enjoying the hell out of The Vixen knocking that cocky look off Aquaria’s mug.

When it came to the challenge, Eureka found Rudemption, proving herself as a capable comedy queen. But it’s no surprise Asia O’Hara took the victory. She made this butterface, and we gagged. Literally.

And she paired with this playful look that I went from hating to loving faster than you can say, “I t’ought I saw a puddy stepping up.”

But there was a curious thing going on in this challenge. You saw some queens cruising, clearly thinking their team wouldn’t be in the bottom so they’d be at least safe. Okay, I’m talking about Mayhem Miller. She was pretty tight-lipped while her team prepped, then grudgingly gave up her narrator gig to Kameron Michaels (who totally flubbed it). And she knew it! Maybe she thought she’d be saved by her fierce runway look. (Category: FEATHERS!) But I’m with Carson in that from the neck up, Miller was bringing a basic look. When the judges Ruvealed that they’d be judged individually, you saw sweating. So, she tried to throw her team captain under the bus, when Monique wasn’t on stage to defend herself.

Yuhua’s failure to pull off the butterface look or a compelling feather runway landed her in the bottom two, along with Mayhem. Meanwhile, Kameron was saved by her deeply witchy eleganza.

When it came to the lipsync, naturally the queens would perform a song by guest judge Courtney Love. But—as my Mister lamented to me while we watched—“How are you going to do a Hole song in a gown!?” Yuhua responded by stripping to her underwear and leaping around like a kindergartner on a sugar rush. But about the third time she busted out a random air guitar move, there was no doubt she was sashaying away. That basic bit could not compare to the face Mayhem was giving out the gate.

And when Mayhem climaxed by plucking herself onstage? We were all Carson Kressley.

And yet the biggest drama in the world of RuPaul’s Drag Race happened off-show. Stay tuned, because Pajiba will investigate: WHICH SEASON 10 QUEEN VOTED FOR DONALD TRUMP!?