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Leslie Jones Impersonates A Dragon and Promotes "Levitation" While Watching 'Game of Thrones'

By Kristy Puchko | TV | April 19, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | TV | April 19, 2019 |


You asked for it, they brought it. Leslie Jones and Seth Meyers reunited on Late Night for the Game of Thrones watching party we all need. See Jones embrace her inner-geek to explain R+L=J, show her Arya face, and reveal why we should all be grateful she doesn’t have a dragon.

Explain something to me. How does Chris Hardwick have a talk show that ran 8 seasons talking about Walking Dead and Leslie Jones is only getting occasional segments on another late night talk show to share all her Game of Thrones insights? In this 9-minute clip, she gives us dragon impressions, speaks the truth of the dark allure of dudes like Euron Greyjoy, and advocates for the value of watching this series while under the influence of “levitation.” HOW does she not have her own damn show!? NBC, HBO, one or both of you need to get your act together. Let it be a “Game of Jones” commentary. Let it be her proposed reboot/sequel/whatever where she plays all the roles. Saturday Night Live’s bit was not enough. Give us more. Anything less is…