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Joy Behar Must Really Miss Meghan McCain

By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 25, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | February 25, 2022 |


For years, Meghan McCain’s tone-deaf, racist, my-FATHER monologuing and privileged white-lady bullsh*t provided a nearly endless supply of fodder for mockery on sites like this very one, where our own Mike Redmond could — at times — provide almost daily posts devoted to her bloviating ridiculousness. We in the Pajiba offices always looked forward to Mike’s selection of screenshot. This right here is ART:

Screen Shot 2022-02-25 at 8.57.01 AM.png

The View hasn’t been the same since she left, because, as they say, the Internet no longer has McCain to kick around (she’s now a columnist at, uh, The Daily Mail, which sounds about right). The good thing about McCain — at least for the other The View panelists — is that she provided cover for their own stupid remarks. See, for instance, Whoopi Goldberg’s remarks about the Holocaust and race). Without McCain, the panelists have resorted to comparing their bare feet on air, or getting into passive-aggressive squabbles over pokes in the arm (“From all the times this bitch has hit me in the arm, I am now medicinally in need.”)

Without McCain there’s no one to provide cover for Joy Behar when she, for instance, worries about what the Russian invasion of Ukraine will do to her Italian vacation:

Behar’s comments did not go over well.

Too bad Rosie O’Donnell isn’t still on The View, because her awkward idiocy this week might have overshadowed Behar’s.