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Tucker Carlson Last Week.png

John Oliver Is Here To Remind You That Tucker Carlson Is The Absolute Worst

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 15, 2021 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 15, 2021 |

Tucker Carlson Last Week.png

Some people are so blatantly condescending and awful and remarkably hateful that the mere sound of their voice makes your ears want to retreat into your body and seal themselves off from the noise. All of those people are Tucker Carlson. He makes writing about late-night segments difficult as he is often a source of scorn and derision (as he should be). This week, he’s been pulled even more into the “spotlight” by John Oliver.

Oliver took time this week to talk about Tucker’s hateful, arrogant, dumb face on Last Week Tonight. What I appreciate about this deep dive the most is that it’s easy for more progressive people to dismiss Tucker. He does come across as just another sh***y provocateur. However, it’s much more insidious than that, as is highlighted by the piece.

The biggest topic of discussion is Carlson’s white-supremacy-influenced rhetoric that he spouts while pretending to not know what white supremacy is. All the while he is touted and supported by prominent white supremacists. Honestly, anytime the name Tucker Carlson is mentioned, white supremacy should come to mind. Not in the “Tucker Carlson is a supreme white man” sense but in a “this is what a racism looks like” sense.

I’d also be remiss if I didn’t say that watching John Oliver dunk on Tucker’s dumb, stupid face made watching said dumb, stupid face all the more enticing. Referring to him as a “relentlessly indignant picket fence” was a Grade-A burn dripping with elegance. People like Tucker should be vivisected like this as it makes clear their true danger.