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Ted Lasso-Season Three-Full Trailer.png

It’s Time to Dissect the Official ‘Ted Lasso’ Season Three Trailer

By Kaleena Rivera | TV | February 27, 2023 |

By Kaleena Rivera | TV | February 27, 2023 |

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I don’t know why but after that charming air date announcement, I had no expectations of a full-length trailer for the upcoming Ted Lasso season. This is why when I heard Apple TV quietly released one this morning, I was so caught off guard that I thought it was a misunderstanding before confirming that yes, indeed, it’s a full-length trailer and oh my God, it really is almost March.

There’s a lot happening in a relatively short amount of time that allows for plenty of conjecture. We get to see Rebecca (fashionably) strutting—where, I’m unsure, as the plaque celebrating British athlete Ola Abidogun was the only clue I had to go on—along with Roy, Keeley, and the men of AFC Richmond. Last we saw Roy and Keeley, they weren’t in a great place in their relationship. That hand-holding moment in the trailer is a sign that their relationship is either back on track or truly coming to an end, and as much as the fans’ collective happiness is at stake here, what I really want to know is why they’re in what appears to be a child’s bedroom (Roy’s perhaps, judging by the football bedspread), and what the hell Jamie Tartt is doing busting in there. There’s also a glimpse of Trent Crimm, Independent, who had given up the journalism life for, as he put it, “something different, deeper.” Whatever it is, it seems to still be crossing paths with AFC Richmond in some capacity.

The most revealing insight into the season comes when we see Nate polishing off a bottle of wine by himself at A Taste of Athens, the restaurant where he had his showdown with a snooty hostess, and his efforts to demonstrate greater self-confidence began to take its toxic turn. Despite how heartily Nate allowed himself to embrace being an absolute villain, it’s come at a sad price. A few shots suggest that Nate has become increasingly aware of it, but whether or not that will manifest into a full redemption arc is yet to be seen.

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Throughout the trailer, the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” plays, a song that is, in truth, extremely overdone. But I’m hard put to think of any lyrics that make more sense for this series than “You can’t always get what you want / But if you try sometimes you’ll find / You get what you need.” It certainly makes for the perfect swan song in what will most likely be the final season of a series that is all about distinguishing what you want from what you need and, just as importantly, what it is that matters most.

Ted Lasso season three will premiere on March 16.

Kaleena Rivera is the TV Editor for Pajiba. When she isn’t aw-ing over the shot of Ted and Henry, she can be found on Twitter here.