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I Would Have Retired 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' By Now But the Trailer For Its Fifteenth Season Still Excites Me

By Petr Navovy | TV | November 11, 2021 |

By Petr Navovy | TV | November 11, 2021 |


I adore It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Alongside the golden age of The Simpsons it is my most-watched show of all time. Up until about season 11 or so, it was a show that just couldn’t miss, staying gut-bustingly hilarious, endlessly quotable, and transgressively progressive for longer than pretty much any TV show in American history. Returning for its fifteenth season (!), Sunny now holds the record for being the longest-running live-action TV comedy series ever. Personally, I think the show lost its way a tiny bit a few years back—delivering a few great episodes per season at most—and I would have retired it before it started its slide, but I can’t deny there’s still a part of me that gets a little excited every time I hear news of more episodes arriving. On that note, here is the brand new trailer for the upcoming record-breaking season, coming to FX on December 1st: