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Frank Reynolds-terribledater.gif

Introducing The Frank Reynolds Guide to Dating

By Vivian Kane | TV | January 23, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | TV | January 23, 2015 |

We all know that the characters of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia are the worst. They’re the worst at everything. One of the things they’re the worst at is dating. We’ve seen this time and time again. Dennis has his f*cked up D.E.N.N.I.S. system.
Mac does nothing but yell at everyone, including women he’s trying to date.
Charlie has no interest in anyone but the waitress.
And Dee just has terrible taste and instincts always.

Yet, even knowing how terrible every one of them is, it’s still surprising to find out that the person on this show who’s the least awful at dating is… Frank Reynolds.

This week’s episode of It’s Always Sunny had the gang all using a dating app that organized group dates. And while everyone else struck out, Frank, gross as he is, proved to do the best with women. So unconventional as it may seem, here is some dating advice, courtesy of Frank Reynolds.

  • Tip #1: Group dates are the way to go. According to Frank,
    Sounds like the 70s. A bunch of people would get together and next thing you know, it was all asses and hands and tits and I could slip right in and out without anybody noticing. It was great.
  • Tip #2: Women should not be afraid to appear aggressive. “Corral him! Because god knows he’ll never ask you.” Sound advice, Frank.
  • Tip #3: Show up to the party already wearing your cock ring. This move is important. “You gotta be ready for when the orgy breaks out.”
  • Tip #4: “A good date is all about conversation. If we can master some pleasant banter and then punctuate it with a joke, we’d be in good shape.”

But what exactly DO you talk about?

  • Tip 4a: “I think we should avoid talking about muscles, and men’s bodies, and shits. [Or snakes or smells or general bigotry.] It sends the wrong message.” As he tells Charlie, it’s also best to avoid talking about other women with whom you happen to be hopelessly in love. In fact—
  • Tip 4b: “Maybe we should concentrate on stuff NOT to talk about.”
  • Tip #5: Always take a whistle, so you can call the date before it gets bad.
  • Tip #6: Don’t be afraid to start small. Like with just you name.

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    Happy dating, everyone!