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In Simultaneous Tweets, Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul Tease 'Breaking Bad' Movie

By Dustin Rowles | TV | June 25, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | June 25, 2019 |


Today Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston tweeted precisely the same things at the exact same time.

The tweets were sent at precisely 1:02 p.m., which everyone knows is 10:02 in New Mexico, which is where Breaking Bad films, which means that the time is actually a reference to a day and month, October 2nd, 2019, which everyone must realize obviously is when the Breaking Bad movie will no doubt be released, both on AMC and on Netflix in the rest of the world.

Oh yeah: There’s gonna be a Breaking Bad movie. We don’t have a lot of details, except that it is expected to be a sequel focused on Aaron Paul’s Jesse Pinkman after the events of Breaking Bad. The movie actually appears to have been filmed earlier this year in and around familiar places in New Mexico and, based on those locations, the movie may also include Jesse Pinkman’s mom and Saul Goodman.

The “soon” in the tweets likely refers to a trailer for the Breaking Bad movie. Although, there is a lesser possibility that it is a reference to the fifth season of Better Call Saul, which may intersect with the Breaking Bad storyline, which may mean the return of Jesse and Walt White, although Saul is not expected to return for its fifth season until 2020.

So, either this is a tease for the Breaking Bad movie (and an impending trailer) or Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul are total dicks. As for the donkeys? I dunno. Your guess is as good as mine. You think Jesse may be a drug mule?