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"I'm Fine, B*tch. I'm Fine," and the Rest of the Best Moments from NBC's Thursday Night Comedies

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 28, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 28, 2011 |

Community: Grade B-. For a series that has capitalized on Halloween so very well in the past, a mediocre episode was something of a huge letdown. The six horror stories felt too similar to the six time lines in the most recent episode, and this one simply paled in comparison.

  • And he chainsawed them to bits! Then he put them back together. And then he chainsawed them again! Forever. —Shirley

  • “”He had to watch her swallow his last eyeball. She kept it attached to the optic nerve so he could see down her throat to his own partially digested flesh… in her stomach.” — Annie

  • Britta: We learnt an important lesson tonight.We should never make the Britta of Brittaing each other’s feelings.

    Pierce: You’re using it wrong!

    Jeff: Wow, you Brittaed Britta.

    Abed: Yeah, way to pull an Abed.

    Shirley: I don’t get it.

    Jeff: Shirley, don’t Pierce.

    Pierce: I don’t get it!

  • Seth, appropriately, would also like me to note that Pierce’s “horror” story provided a hilarious new definition for the phrase “cockpunching someone.”





    Parks and Recreation: Grade: B+. So this is how they can better utlize Ann? By pairing her with Ron Swanson so some of his awesomeness will rub off on her. I liked the Halloween party and storyline between Andy and Ben, but the other story line demonstrated that there can, in fact, be too much Tom Haverford.

  • “Look, I don’t like to throw around the word ‘butthead’ too often. If you call everybody a butthead then it kind of loses it’s impact. But I can say, without hesitation, that Tom is being a real dick.” — Leslie

  • Leslie: Okay, you know what you need? Some good ol’ fashioned comfort food.

    Tom: Where are we gonna get albacore tuna with crispy onions at this hour?





    The Office: Grade: B+. The episode itself was fairly unremarkable, but for the fact that they made excellent use of Erin’s character. What made this episode stand out, however, was the incredible performance of James Spader, who demonstrated exactly why he has three Emmy Awards. There are a lot of great comedic actors on sitcoms, but seldom do you see a dramatic actor of Spader’s caliber say so very much with so very little. There was a moment, where he said something along the lines of “What am I doing here?” and turned up one side of his mouth ever-so-slightly, that I just thought, “Wow! F*cking Wow!”

  • “Why on Earth would a museum put a mummy in it?” — Kevin

  • “Fear plays an interesting role in our lives. How dare we let it motivate us. How dare we let it into our decision making, into our livelihoods, into our relationships. Funny, isn’t it? We take a day a year and dress up in costume and celebrate fear.” — Robert Motherf*cking California


