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'I Am Done Hiding': Watch the Trailer for Season 2 of 'Sweet Tooth'

By Jen Maravegias | TV | March 21, 2023 |

By Jen Maravegias | TV | March 21, 2023 |

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By the time Season 2 of Netflix’s post-apocalypse drama Sweet Tooth starts on April 27th it will have been almost two years since we last saw Gus “Sweet Tooth,” Tommy, Dr. Singh, Aimee and her collection of Hybrid children refugees, all of whom had been taken captive by General Abbott and The Last Men so they could use the Hybrids’ DNA to create a cure for the disease that wiped out the world.

Season 2 seems to pick up where we left off and Sweet Tooth is ready to fight.

The main cast is all back for Season 2. Christian Convery as Gus The Deer Boy, Nonso Anozie as Tommy his protector, Adeel Akhtar as Dr. Singh, Stefania LaVie Owen as Bear, Dania Ramirez as Aimee, and Marlon Williams as General Abbott. It looks like Will Forte is set to return in some capacity as Gus’ dad but no word on whether or not we’ll learn more about his mom this season.

Season 2 of Sweet Tooth streams on Netflix on April 27th.