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Hey! Not the Worst! (Also, Jay Pharoah F**king Rocks)

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 14, 2010 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 14, 2010 |

Not a great episode, but for the first time all season, not an absolutely abysmal one, either.

G-20 Cold Open

Save for Fred Armisen’s consistently terrible Barack Obama impression, the political open had Nasim Pedrad hilariously interpreting for Bill Hader’s President Hu Jintao. “I like to have my neck bitten when someone IS DOING SEX TO ME.” The political opens have been excruciating this year, but this one was damn near decent.

The Unstoppable Trailer

The best skit of the night was the fake trailer for Unstoppable, again thanks to the best part of the season so far, Jay Pharoah and his spot-on impersonations, here again of Denzel Washington.

Kanye Apologies to George W. Bush

Again, funny mostly because of Jay Pharoah, and W.’s Twitter address, “@notsocuriousgeorge”.

16 and Pregnant Spin-Offs

Funnier in theory than in execution, the “Cribs” spin-off bit was nevertheless kind of funny, and hey! It’s short.

Millionaire Matchmaker

The running theme in last night’s episode apparently was Scarlett Johansson doing a Brooklyn accent, which is clearly the extent of her comedic talents. However, in this skit, she did rip off a few great insults. “You look like an ass fraggle.”

The Digital Short

“What was that?”


Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire? They were cool, and then not cool, and now? Everything looks cool in relation to the rest of “SNL.” So, win?