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'Haircut Night in America' Is Not Going to Work for Us, and Other Pop Culture News of the Day

By Dustin Rowles | TV | May 21, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | May 21, 2020 |


— Filming for Mission Impossible 7 and 8, which are being shot back-to-back is expected to resume sometime in the fall, but when it does, Nicholas Hoult — set to be the villain in at least the 7th film — will not be able to return due to scheduling conflicts. That’s something we are probably going to see a lot of as production resumes again, because everyone is going to want to start again at the same time, and I’m sure there are a lot of actors who will face conflicts. Esai Morales will replace Hoult. Morales is a fine actor, but I don’t understand how one goes from Hoult to Morales. In what world are those two up for the same role?

— In the meantime, when will production begin again? Well, that’s still unclear, although Andrea Savage thinks it might be September (at least for season 3 of I’m Sorry, which was halted nine days into production). It makes me nervous that Hollywood may plan to resume production in the fall when public health officials believe a second wave may arrive. Maybe there will be a treatment of some sort by the fall. I hope so, anyway, because I don’t know how much longer I can watch stuff like this:

Hold me.

— Actually, Jon Huertas, who plays Saint Miguel on This Is Us, is saying that their show may not resume production until January 2021, depending on whether there is a second wave. Oh god, there are going to be so many celebrity haircuts in our future, aren’t there?

— It’s been a long time now since we’ve seen a trailer or a commercial for a new theatrical movie, but today we will see the first full-length trailer for Christopher Nolan’s Tenet, which has not yet moved off of its July 17th release date. Yesterday, we got a 15-second teaser. It doesn’t give us much, but that’s typical Nolan. The teaser does not specify a release date, because there’s a pretty good chance this movie — currently scheduled to be the first major movie to return to theaters — will get bumped unless something changes significantly between now and then.

Game of Thrones co-stars Jason Momoa and Peter Dinklage are teaming for a vampire movie called Good, Bad & Undead. Dinklage will play Van Helsing, while Momoa will play a vampire who has vowed to stop killing humans. The two combined to run a scam in which “Van Helsing pretends to kill the vampire in order for them to collect a reward. Their partnership gets tricky when a large bounty is put on the vampire’s head.”

— HBO Max launches next week. On Tuesday, in fact. But episodes of Friends are not actually the services major selling point. According to a poll, potential subscribers are more excited for the DC Extended Universe (26 percent) and Game of Thrones (23 percent) than Friends (21 percent). No word on the excitement level for all 11 seasons of Doctor Who, which will also be available on the streaming service.

— Speaking of HBO Max, after the streaming service agreed to Release the Snyder cut of Justice League yesterday, David Ayer — who directed Suicide Squad — is now seemingly lobbying for a director’s cut of that film. Give it up, brah. Do not let this become a trend.