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GOP Frontrunner Calls Gubernatorial Candidate 'Martin Luther King On Steroids'

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 8, 2024 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 8, 2024 |


The GOP loves to pretend they respect like know who Martin Luther King Jr. was. Once a year, they dust off part of a quote and refuse to acknowledge anything else the man fought or stood for. They likely do know, but willful ignorance is easier than educating oneself, especially if your base does not care if you make s*** up. You could do something absurd, like calling a Gubernatorial candidate who has more hate than sense “Martin Luther King on steroids,” and a bunch of idiots will applaud you for it. Guess what! That happened.

Mark Robinson won the Republican Primary for Governor of North Carolina on Tuesday. He could be the first Black Governor of the state! That could be something to celebrate if the man himself didn’t hate … everything. Robinson is a misogynistic antisemite who called the Civil Rights Movement a communist plot. “So many freedoms were lost,” the disgraceful man said. It’s difficult to see someone rise to the top of his political field by being a hateful waste of air. As I typed that sentence, Donald Trump’s ears began to burn and his nipples got hard.

Trump loves Mark Robinson because of course he does. The GOP frontrunner kicked down the door so people like Robinson could spread their shameless nonsense. There are no depths to which the party of hideous golden shoes won’t sink. Hell, this former game show host praised Robinson as some steroid-laden MLK, and Robinson doesn’t even like the Civil Rights leader! He called King a communist!

All of this sounds a lot better coming out of Ronny Chieng. Chieng is filling out this week’s hosting duties on The Daily Show and has had much to work with. Watching him stare into the camera with confusion after a string of Robinson’s absurd claims makes them go down (slightly) easier. Still, seeing this guy (seemingly) come out of nowhere is a little jarring. I hadn’t heard of him before his Super Tuesday victory. I have twin three-year-olds, am constantly tired, and don’t follow North Carolina politics closely, but someone this awful should set off all of the alarms. It’s almost as if people learned nothing from a certain 2016 election.

No, wait, that’s exactly what it is.