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'Game of Thrones' Releases Final Season Teaser, Announces Premiere Month

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 13, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 13, 2018 |


HBO has just released the teaser trailer for the final season of Game of Thrones, and unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be any new footage in the trailer. However, it does announce the return date, or at least the month that Game of Thrones will return: April 2019, or nearly two years since the July 2017 seventh-season premiere.

With all the old footage, it feels more like a promo for the last six seasons, so it may be time for a rewatch for many of you, or for the Game of Thrones holdouts among you, there are about six months left to binge the first six seasons before Game of Thrones dominates the media landscape (and gets in under the June deadline for Emmy’s consideration).