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Sam Bee Teaches Sex Ed To Senators Because They Clearly Have No Idea What They're Talking About

By Emily Cutler | TV | May 16, 2019 |

By Emily Cutler | TV | May 16, 2019 |


I’d like to dedicate this post to each and every person who said women were being dramatic when they were so upset about the Kavanaugh nomination. I hope you all know that I mean this from the very bottom of my heart: go f**k yourself.

Man, the world has gotten really, really dark since Republicans decided to start LARPing The Handmaid’s Tale. Like really dark. Both Alabama and Georgia have passed aggressively restrictive abortion bills, but Ohio and Michigan aren’t letting the South have all the fun of repressing women and their ability to just live their lives. But aside from letting the people who called us hysterical know that they can get super bent (Brian Stelter, I want you, individually and specifically, to know that you can and should go f**k yourself), is there anything else that can be done?

Sam Bee and Full Frontal are hopeful that educating the people who are attempting to legislate our bodies about what, you know, actually happens with our bodies is a good start.

Now I appreciate Ms. Bee and nearly everything that she does for us, but I have a sneaking suspicion that her sex ed segment was not done in good faith. That’s mostly because no amount of information or facts or human decency is going to sway most Republican legislators. They don’t view it as their job to listen to and enact the will of the people they represent; they believe it’s their job to, at any cost necessary, delay or reverse the social and legal progress that’s been made of the past sixty years to equalize straight, white men and everyone else. In fact, I wrote this last September, and it somehow feels more true with each passing day:

The point is, I’ve been working under the faulty impression that Republicans have been trying to gain power in order to implement their belief system. But having power over other people’s lives is their belief system. They serve no god except their own authority, and they absolutely will not care about being hypocritical pieces of shit.

So, no, I don’t think engaging in healthy debate with Republicans is going to be fruitful. But I do know this: 1) that John Becker is up for reelection in 2020, and 2) that the first person to make me an “Arrogant Feminist Vulgarian” pillow will have my unending devotion.