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E. Pluribus Anus

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 15, 2010 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 15, 2010 |

Community (Full Episode)

  • Hard to believe I’m not really not really in space.

  • It was the 80s, everyone that made this was on cocaine.

  • There is a time and a place for subtlety, and that time was before Scary Movie.

    (Bonus Recognition goes to the entire episode’s brilliant score)

    30 Rock (Full Episode — West Coast Version)

  • Everything looks like a Mexican soap opera in here.

  • My memory has Seinfeld money.

  • Baby, let’s let the dog watch us. Do you think he understands. Oops. I’m finished. Call yourself a cab.

  • Of course I am, Lemon. Men need alcohol. It’s the first thing every civilization makes, along with weapons. And shelters to enjoy prostitutes.

  • Welcome back to Fox News. I’m blonde.

  • It started out as in idea for a horror movie and grew into a charitable organization.

    The Office (Full Episode)

    (No one-liners worthy. *sad trombone*)

    Outsourced (Full Episode)

  • For Elephant day my workers tricked me into painting my face and walking around with the pockets pulled out of my pants. It was all fun and games until I whipped out the trunk.