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Donald Trump Falls Asleep in Court, Gives Maggie Haberman a Death Glare for Reporting It

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 16, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 16, 2024 |


The first day of the criminal trial against former President Donald Trump, who will have to endure six more weeks of this process, took place yesterday. The most significant revelation from the first day was not the dismissal of over half of the potential jurors, all of whom stated their inability to be impartial in a case involving Trump, but rather that Trump fell asleep during the proceedings.

Maggie Haberman of the New York Times reported this incident (echoed by others in the press pool) and also shared the information on CNN. It is not a good look for a Presidential candidate who often refers to his opponent as “Sleepy Joe.” Due to the prohibition of cameras in the courtroom and the denial from Trump’s team that he was sleeping, the situation ultimately comes down to a “he said/she said” scenario. MAGA supporters are likely to believe Trump, while other rational individuals will believe Haberman.

According to reports (and Haberman’s own account), Trump also stared directly at Haberman for a few seconds after she reported the incident, which is apparently an intimidation tactic he has employed in the past.

Last night’s episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart covered all of these aspects (except for the alleged death glare). Stewart also criticized the media for sensationalizing the situation in Israel over the weekend and questioned the apparent shift in Middle East alliances. In addition to discussing the first day of Trump’s trial, Stewart also addressed the nonsensical statements Trump made about Gettysburg over the weekend.
