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Don Lemon Shades Jon Stewart on a Hot Mic

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 10, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 10, 2023 |


It’s a small thing, but it can be added to the avalanche of evidence (and idiotic comments) suggesting that Don Lemon is not only a toxic presence at CNN but that he cannot keep his unwanted opinions to himself.

To wit, on this morning’s show, they were discussing Jon Stewart’s phenomenal interview over the weekend with Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, who self-imploded under his witheringly direct questions.

During a video package on Jon Stewart, Don Lemon said — during a moment when he thought his mic was off — that Stewart “gets a lot of leeway with the comedian thing,” which might have been a salient thing to say in Stewart’s The Daily Show years, but is misguided during a time in which Stewart is often the only guy in corporate media willing to actually hold the feet of politicians to the fire (or at least, the politicians willing to speak to him).

Lemon clearly understood that he had stuck his foot in his mouth because he quickly tried to backtrack, according to TMZ. “We were just discussing that Jon Stewart is so much more than a comedian. He is a thought leader,” Lemon quickly interjected in an attempt to save face.

“Yeah, when I was saying comedian and television host,” he added sheepishly, “he’s so much more than that. I don’t even know if you need to qualify Jon Stewart as that. But good interview there.”

Yes, Don. It was a good interview, and certainly better than anything that Lemon has produced in a very long time.

Source: TMZ