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Demi Moore (Sort Of) Reveals the Male Co-Star Who Was Undeservedly Paid More than Her

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 24, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 24, 2019 |


Pandering tool and possibly closet asshole James Corden played one of his recurring games on his show last night, “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts,” wherein celebrities have to answer a difficult personal question or eat something disgusting, like a mayonnaise and soy sauce smoothie.

Last night’s celebrity guest was Demi Moore, who answered one question honestly — What’s your worst movie? Parasite 3D — bailed on one question (who would you leave on the side of the road? Melanie Griffith, Rosie O’Donnell, or Rita Wilson?), and gave an answer to the final question but took it back. She was asked what male co-star was paid more than her but didn’t deserve it, and she said her ex-husband, Bruce Willis, but then demurred and decided to drink the hot-sauce shot.

Corden, for his part, did not answer questions one and three, but he did reveal who his most disappointing guest was: Rick Ross. Rick Ross had his reasons.

Header Image Source: NBC