By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 2, 2021 |
By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 2, 2021 |
People are getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and THATS friggin’ rad. It’s creating a light at the end of this dark, year-long tunnel. But still, there will be uncertainty. Like, how exactly do we show off that we’ve been vaccinated? Luckily, Conan O’Brien has the solution! He’s here to help make sure that we know who has and who hasn’t gotten their shot!!
OK, not really. Conan isn’t going to go around marking people or giving them ID cards. He’s not going to roam the streets shouting “Vaccinated!” or “Not Vaccinated!” at random people on the street. Though, let’s be honest, that would totally work. No, instead, the crew at Conan came up with silly accessories for people to wear. Which is way more their speed.
Seriously though, this is something where we could see life imitate art soon enough. I doubt people would wear a grill that reads “got da shot”, but a big foam hat stating as much? Perfect for Cancun. Jeans that read “my ass got vaxd” on the butt? Hell, I’ll wear those!
So keep your eyes peeled in the coming months. Next time you feel annoyed by a giant hat, blocking your view in a movie theater, check to see if it’s someone that’s just happy to be inoculated and if it is, move on! Especially since, in this scenario, you’re back at a movie theater! The dream!