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Colbert Gives Us The January 6th/'Rent' Crossover We Didn't Know We Wanted

By Andrew Sanford | TV | January 7, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | January 7, 2022 |

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I’ve been in the musical theater community in one shape or form for the past 22 years. So I’ve heard the song “Seasons Of Love” from Rent about 22 thousand times. Other people in the musical theater community love to turn to that song whenever they want to reflect on anything. If I was ever a fan of that song it has been beaten out of me through repetition. This is why I was incredibly surprised to find myself enjoying the newest parody song opening from the folks at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

It’s no secret around these parts that I love a good parody song. I also think the Colbert Crew is quite good at them. Add some world-class dunking on January 6th insurrectionists and you’ve got a sure-fire song on your hands. Not only did I find myself chuckling heartily several times but I was also even bopping my head back and forth. A song that once made me cringe just from its opening piano notes was made anew!

It also helps that the crowd at The Late Show was super into it. Since I’m not able to go to a bunch of shows or movies right now, I find myself being a sucker for crowd noise. Something about a bunch of strangers, collectively enjoying a moment together, I miss it wildly.

Unlike some of the people responsible for the January 6th Insurrection, “Seasons of Love” will likely find itself inside jail (in my mind). A “bad song jail” that makes even the slightest hint of its melody brings a grimace to my face. But that is not this day. On this day, I enjoy it thoroughly and use it to laugh at one of the worst days in American History. Yay?