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Celebrate The Holidays With Mystery Science Theater 3000 Songs And Yule Log

By Jodi Smith | TV | December 12, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | TV | December 12, 2019 |


It’s been thirty years since Mystery Science Theater 3000 hit the airwaves of KTMA 23 in Minnesota, so I believe that makes all of the holiday songs from the series classics. Instead of cranking “Little Drummer Boy” or “Jingle Bells”, why not belt out a little ditty about Patrick Swayze or attempt to pass off Crow’s Christmas essay as your own?

“Let’s Have A Patrick Swayze Christmas”

“Wassail Song (Etc. Etc.)”

“Merry Christmas (If That’s Okay)”

“Christmas Essays”

“Christmas Carol”

The Christmas Yule Log