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Andy Is Putting His Best Jokes.png

Break Out Your Wallets Because Andy Richter Is Behind A Paywall

By Andrew Sanford | TV | January 28, 2021 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | January 28, 2021 |

Andy Is Putting His Best Jokes.png

It’s happened to all of us in the internet age of entertainment. You start to like a show or a podcast and suddenly, all your favorite episodes aren’t available. That is, unless you’re willing to pay. The dreaded (yet, honestly, totally fair) paywall is becoming more and more a part of how we consume content. Now Andy Richter is getting in on the fun!

The latest segment from Conan starts like any other, with Andy prompted to tell a no-doubt hilarious anecdote. There’s one small problem: he keeps getting interrupted with ads for a paywall. Even Conan himself can see them!

This segment is classic Conan and Andy. I’ve admired their chemistry from a young age and it’s only gotten stronger as the years have gone by. They play off of each other so well and can each fill the “straight man” role, whenever needed, with ease. It’s really fun to watch. As the days of Conan’s late-night show come closer to an end, I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that Andy will join him on his upcoming variety show.

Until then, sit back, relax, break out that bank card (no cash or credit), make sure you have $3.99 in the bank, and enjoy! It’s not every day that a comedic talent like Andy Richter decides you need to be responsible for his gas money. You should feel honored!