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Boyz II Men Deliver a More Honest Reassessment of 'Sexy'

By Andrew Sanford | TV | February 15, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | February 15, 2023 |

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Valentine’s Day is for the young. Oh, you like passion and all-night lovemaking sessions several nights a week?! Call me when you’re off your parents’ insurance. Spontaneity isn’t sexy. Structure is sexy! Scheduling and rainchecks are sexy. Realizing that your partner maybe isn’t in the mood, but neither are you, so you can leave them alone while you both scroll madly through your phone. That’s sexy! Don’t believe me? Ask three middle-aged Boyz II Men!

The Boyz stopped by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to celebrate a very adult Valentine’s Day. Not the kind of adult where you wear edible underwear and cover your lover in rose petals. This was the “I cleaned the house so you don’t have to” kind of adult. This is the kind of adult where you recognize that maybe your partner would like the bed to themselves because you hog the covers. It’s about maturity!

This whole segment is hilariously honest. It also helps that it’s not being played for laughs (until Colbert shows up, but more on that in a sec). Boyz II Men is here at their most seductive and heartfelt, all while singing about sleep apnea and checking your kid’s math homework.

The only downside to this bit is that Colbert had to film it separately from Boyz II Men. It still works. Colbert is much sillier, so having him separate works in the segment’s favor. It still would have been nice to see the whole gang together!