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Apple TV+'s Reported $200 Million Series 'The Invasion' Arrives this October

By Nate Parker | TV | September 22, 2021 |

By Nate Parker | TV | September 22, 2021 |


H.G Wells’s The War of the Worlds has inspired countless adaptations and imitators. Dry by today’s standards, the story nevertheless captivated audiences for generations. Modern myth tells us Orson Welles inspired a panic in 1938 with his expertly produced radio play, though the evidence is sketchy at best. The last notable American adaptation, War of the Worlds, was a middling-at-best effort from Stephen Spielberg and Tom Cruise in 2005. Now, 16 years later, Apple+ is bringing a new, more diverse take on the original story with Invasion.

Starring Togo Igawa, Tom Cullen, Tara Moayedi, Billy Barratt, and a host of others, Invasion kicks off on October 22. Sam Neill is a big part of the preview but only has one episode listed on IMDB, so I wouldn’t get too attached to his character. Maybe he escapes on the Event Horizon. The series promises to show us the invasion through the eyes of an ethnically and geographically diverse group of people across the world. Costing Apple approximately $200 million, the network will release the first three episodes on the 22nd, and the remaining seven drop weekly. The original ends (spoilers for a 124yr old book) with all the aliens killed by Earthly pathogens. If the writers get topical and Covid-19 saves the day in Invasion I will riot.
