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Andy Samberg Rattles Off All His Horriblelarious Rejected Golden Globes Jokes

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 10, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 10, 2019 |


Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh are great people, and in a way, the best people to host this year’s Golden Globes, because even if they stunk it up (and they did), no one thinks less of them, and there was no collateral damage in their jokes. I came away from The Golden Globes liking both of them even more than before, while also conceding that the monologue was terrible.

Honestly, it could have been worse. On Late Night with Seth Meyers last night, Andy Samberg rattled off a lot of the jokes that were rejected. He brought 18 with him, but I think it was edited down to about 10 or 12 of the rejected jokes, and for the most part, they were bad. I did like the Bradley Cooper streaming joke (that Seth wrote) and the joke that Mulaney wrote was bad, but the impression that Samberg and Meyers do of Mulaney is great. In fact, next year, Seth Meyers and Andy Samberg should host as John Mulaney.

See? All those bad jokes, and I think I like Samberg even more. Also, this is from the night before, on Fallon, where Samberg adorably goes on about how Sandra Oh — who he basically just met — is “the best person on Earth.”


Meanwhile, Kevin Hart was on Colbert last night mostly talking about how he’s not going to talk about the thing that everyone is talking about. However, at the 5:17 mark, he did share one of the jokes he was going to do at the Oscars had he hosted, and let me just tell you: We’re not missing much.

Header Image Source: NBC