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Feels Like Kira Manning Should Have Known Better

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | August 25, 2024 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | August 25, 2024 |


Orphan Black: Echoes on AMC+ at 3:01am ET. First season finale. Do we finally learn what’s going on with the people-printing machine and why someone who watched the effects being a clone had on her mom would ever get involved with human cloning? I’ve seen three episodes and I’m weighing whether I should bother picking it back up.

Snowpiercer on AMC+ at 3:01am ET.

Naked and Afraid: Last One Standing on Discovery at 8:00pm ET.

Industry on HBO at 9:00pm ET. I’d find shows like this more interesting if they didn’t feel like they were more than half wealth porn.

Chimp Crazy on HBO at 10:00pm ET.