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'The Ship of Theseus' Paradox but for Procedurals

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 8, 2024 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 8, 2024 |


American Idol on ABC at 8:00pm ET. I know this has been airing on ABC since 2018 but it still takes me by surprise every so often, like tonight when they’re moving to Aulani, a Disney resort. Totally reasonable for an ABC show, but since my mind still thinks this is a Fox show it took me a moment to remember why that would work.

Below Deck on Bravo at 9:00pm ET.

NCISVerse: The First 1,000 on CBS at 9:00pm ET. Special presentation. This is not the 1,000th episode of NCIS or any of its spin-offs. That’s next week. This week is a special ABOUT how they reached 1,000 episodes. Can I also mention I’m not a fan of the “universe” concept for every property these days? I know I’ve always joked about what the “in universe” rules are for a given show or series based on what actors are in it and what other media they mention, but I somehow dislike that being made official.

The Synanon Fix on HBO at 9:00pm ET.

NCAA Basketball Special: Men’s National Championship Game - UConn vs. Purdue on TBS, TNT, and TruTV at 9:20pm ET. This is, as best I can tell, about the third most anticipated game of the NCAA tournament after LSU vs. Iowa and the women’s championship game.