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Here For the Édgar Ramírissance

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 13, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 13, 2023 |


Florida Man on Netrflix at 3:01am ET. Series premiere. This is a new comedy-drama starring Édgar Ramírez as an ex-cop forced to come back to Florida to solve a crime there. I am mostly interested in this for Édgar Ramírez, who I basically always enjoy as an actor, and skeptical of it because it’s a Netflix series. We’ll see which way it goes!

Lucky Hank on AMC+ at 3:01am ET.

Young Sheldon on CBS at 8:00pm ET.

Grey’s Anatomy on ABC at 9:00pm ET. Back-to-back new episodes. Every week I mention this show, that’s what I hear from all of you “I want more Grey’s Anatomy with all the new characters!” Giving the people what they want!

Top Chef on Bravo at 9:00pm ET.