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Who Really Raped Ray's Ex-Wife on 'True Detective'?

By Dustin Rowles | True Detective | July 19, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | True Detective | July 19, 2015 |

In the opening episode of True Detective season two, Ray takes us back a few years in a flashback, which sees him meeting Frank Semyon for the first time. It’s there where Frank pins the rape of Ray’s ex-wife on a random guy whose body Ray would later dump after murdering him.

There’s plenty to talk about in the fifth episodes of this season, “Other Lives,” and that will come, but for now, let’s just deal with the biggest revelation in the episode: Frank played Ray. The man Frank identified as the rapist was not, in fact, the man who impregnated Ray’s ex-wife.

We should’ve known that this guy couldn’t have been the father of that child anymore than Ray could.

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“Fits the description. My people know him,” Frank said, in handing over the photo to Ray. “Bragged about it. Said, uh, it matched your wife’s account.”

“How do you know my wife’s account?” Frank asked in that flashback scene.

Frank likely knew his wife’s account because — not only did Frank frame the wrong guy — Frank likely had a hand in the rape of Ray’s ex-wife. Frank wasn’t taking advantage of a situation to earn the trust — and favors — from a Vinci cop. Frank created the situation.

As we found out in tonight’s episode, someone else was arrested for the rape of Ray’s ex-wife.

Who could it be?

Could it be Blake Churchman?

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Blake doesn’t look like the kind of guy that would conceive a child as ginger as Ray’s kid, does he? Well, here’s Blake in that flashback scene.

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Turns out, he is a ginger.

But, Blake is involved with the sex clubs, Osip, Chessani’s son, Tony, and Caspere’s blackmail scheme. He’s likely going to factor into future episodes, so he probably wasn’t picked up and arrested for the rape of Ray’s ex-wife.

But it could be Ivar.

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Who is Ivar? Ivar is the henchman partner of Stan.

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Who is Stan? Stan is dead.

Why is Stan dead?

We don’t know for sure, but it may have been connected to Frank, Ivar, and a potential cover-up of the rape of Ray’s ex-wife. If so, Frank was playing an incredibly long con on Ray all along.