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Number Five Is Still Alive: Netflix Renews 'The Umbrella Academy' For A Second Season

By Jodi Smith | Industry | April 2, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Industry | April 2, 2019 |


It seems that the plan to have Number Five (Aidan Gallagher) jump through time with all of his siblings in the season finale of The Umbrella Academy was successful, as Netflix announced a renewal of the series for a second season.

Tori loved the series while also acknowledging the one or two instances of Netflix’s soap opera-like wheel spinning and I have to say I feel the same way. I binged the entire series as quickly as possible (I watched it with my husband and promised not to do so without him), screeching about the overpowered emotional whiplash of Vanya (Ellen Page) while simultaneously cooing and cringing at the love between adopted siblings Luther/Number One (Tom Hopper) and Allison/Number Three (Emmy Raver-Lampman).

Klaus/Number Four (Robert Sheehan) is liquid sex onscreen, moving from one poorly made decision to another while Ben/Number 6 (Justin Min) looks on from the afterlife; a perfect pairing. Diego/Number Two (David Castañeda) toes the line between The Punisher and The Tick with his badass front hiding a wounded kid plagued by self-doubt and a stutter, rounding out the siblings and their various hang-ups from childhood.

I have to say that I’m pleased we get to continue on in the crazy world of Temps Aeternalis, donut making, and an impending apocalypse that cannot be averted without all of the siblings coming to terms somehow with their own demons while controlling their most powerful member. I look forward to the catalyst for Vanya’s damning outburst and how the team plans to combat it.

The Umbrella Academy season 2 starts filming this summer in Toronto. Netflix has ordered 10 episodes of the series with all main cast members returning.

Header Image Source: Netflix