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What Enamel Pin Best Captures My Personality? A Pajiba Investigation

By Kristy Puchko | Think Pieces | April 29, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Think Pieces | April 29, 2016 |

Popping up on timelines and lapels of fashionable females: the enamel pin. A colorful and quirky way to show the world your fandom, political affiliation, or favorite Simpson joke. If you go to Etsy, there are so many to choose from that it can be overwhelming. And scrolling and scrolling through page upon page of enamel options, I began to wonder: What button truly captures who I am?

Along the way, I found lots of cute animals and fruit pins. And I found a lot of complete and utter weirdness, like Sushi Lady, the “lady pin for all sushi lovers!” I do love sushi. I am a lady. And yet…

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I love wordplay and Game of Thrones, but do I love either enough to sport this Jonny Snowcone pin?

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Portraiture is popular in the medium of enamel pin. Whether you want to share your love of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’s gang, Law and Order: SVU’s Detective Benson, dancing Ron Swanson, Drew Barrymore circa Scream, or—of course—The Gilmore Girls.

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Naturally, there’s plenty of cat-related pins, because internet. But the most surprising trend was the focus on cat buttholes. This is literally all this shop sells.

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For the Burr in your side.

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Or the gum on your shoe.

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Truly there is an enamel pin of all things.

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No, seriously. All things.

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But amid so much variety and oddity, I found my niche.

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To Do List

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Yes Kween

There’s plenty of room on my jean jacket for all the above feminist fierceness. But first, I think this gem. Because The Craft for life.

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And maybe BB-8 just for fun.

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Kristy Puchko spends way too much time on Etsy.