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The Guy Who Co-Founded 'Vice' Magazine Is Vile, Misogynistic Hipster Vermin

By Dustin Rowles | Think Pieces | October 23, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Think Pieces | October 23, 2013 |

Yesterday, we ran a post about Roosh V, a guy who is under the delusion that if men would just refrain from having sex with feminists, then feminism would all go away! (Related: If you just plug your ears with your fingers and shout LA LA LA LA LA LA, will people like Roosh V go away?), and a commenter suggested that the piece “was ridiculous on first glance,” and asked “why we would give any time or words to it?”

There were a lot of thoughtful responses to that comment, but what it basically boils down to is this: There is a meaningful segment of the population that is still vigorously fighting against feminism and for Don Draper-like conventional ideas of masculinity. It’s not just words, either. Over the weekend, a man beat a 17-MONTH-OLD toddler to death because the TODDLER was acting too feminine. Then there’s this guy, the leader of some men’s rights movement, who “doesn’t give a f*ck about rape victims,” and thinks that most rape victims are just women who regret their one-night stands.

Another such person fighting for a return to more conventional gender roles is Gavin McInnes, the co-founder of Vice magazine and now the guy behind the website Street Carnage. McInnes is a big proponent of “male empowerment,” and wrote a book called How to Be a Man. A brief glance at his website reveals a post called, “Stuff that Real Men Like to Do,” which includes: 1) Cum on a woman’s face; 2) make his lady get a boob job, and 3) watch his girlfriend beat up the woman he cheated on her with, and if she beats her up badly enough, the guy won’t even have to worry about getting her an abortion.

Classy stuff.

Anyway, McInnes was on HuffPost live discussion the evolving definition of what it means to be a man, and ended up going on a tirade about women in the workplace. Here’s a taste:

Women are forced to pretend to be men. They’re feigning this toughness. They’re miserable. Study after study has shown that feminism has made women less happy. They’re not happy in the work force, for the most part. I would guess 7 percent [of women] like not having kids, they want to be CEOs, they like staying at the office all night working on a proposal, and all power to them. But by enforcing that as the norm, you’re pulling these women away from what they naturally want to do, and you’re making them miserable.

At one point, he got into a spat with a female law professor, Mary Anne Franks (the woman in the image above with the boxing gloves), who suggested that McInnis’ aggression is rooted in “fear,” “weakness,” and “impotence.” McInnis responded in part:

“You see these women they wait too long to have kids….they have to have surrogates…..I can see its gonna happen to you Mary Anne … then [to Mary Anne] I’M NOT INSISTING ANYTHING YOU F**KING IDIOT!

In other words, McInnis perfectly illustrates Franks’ point about male aggression.

You can see the entire fantastic interview here, and watch Mary Ann Franks’ calmly, eloquently, and beautifully rip this meathead to shreds.