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Rainbow Colored Food For Adults Has to Stop

By Kristy Puchko | Think Pieces | April 20, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Think Pieces | April 20, 2016 |

Look. I know when we were children few things were as thrilling as rainbow sprinkles, rainbow sherbet, and multi-colored cotton candy. No matter what our snarky teen cousins or older siblings would say, we knew that each color had a distinct flavor. And yes, “blue” was a flavor. But as we grew, we left behind this need to have food be thrilling by merit of its resemblance to rainbows. Until now apparently.

Rainbow is the latest food trend. And it needs to stop, because delicious does not mean looking like your meal has been churned out by a Play-Doh fun factory.

First Brooklyn was going bonkers over “rainbow bagels.” Becuz obvi.

Then candy-colored coffees came, because Snickers-flavored latte wasn’t #yolo enough.

How about sushi with rainbow sprinkles on top instead of roe? Taste buds are for establishment stooges!

And what in fresh hell is this?

Say cheeeseeeeeee😍😨 有幾款味道芝士揀 例如榴蓮同香蕉lol 我就揀左 開心首選 (King size $42) 包含左紅色既芝心蕃尋味(蕃茄) 藍色既薰衣草芝戀(薰衣草味) 同綠色既綠葉之選(羅勒香草味) 好多色素haha 多士烘得香脆 蕃茄同薰衣草味都唔係好嚐到 basil 味就較突出 而分別用上4款芝士Mozzarella, cheddar, emmental 同 gruyere 既黃色芝味無窮 芝士味頗香 但有點oily同膩 整體唔係出眾 只可惜 愛情裡有啲關係 就好似芝士拉絲一樣 藕斷絲連 欲斷難斷 折磨你於無形中… 評分: 5.8/10 KALA Toast 卡洛芝士吐司專門店 荃灣荃興徑昌泰大廈shop 4-6

A photo posted by hkfoodiexblogger (@hkfoodiexblogger) on

Rainbow grilled cheese. Because cheese wasn’t mind-meltingly decadent and deeply satisfying enough on its own, so we needed to make it look like a Coachella nightmare.


Kristy Puchko values cheese more than most things, and would really prefer you get off her damn lawn.