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'Walking Dead' Producer Answers Questions About Maggie

By Genevieve Burgess | The Walking Dead | November 16, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | The Walking Dead | November 16, 2014 |

I haven’t been watching The Walking Dead this season, but I’ve been following some of the discussions online and I know that a lot of you who are watching are particularly frustrated by the way Maggie (Lauren Cohan) has acted so far this season. A big sore point seems to be the fact that she seems to have no interest in looking for her sister, even though the two were incredibly close. Well, Robert Kirkman sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and tries to shed some light on Maggie’s feelings and motivations.

I can’t promise that interview will be entirely satisfying for viewers, he mostly seems to hedge that Maggie just hasn’t had time to think about it. As he puts it “There’s been so much other stuff going on that this character is dealing with that there hasn’t been an opening where she would sit down and say ‘Oh my gosh, she’s still out there. What can we do.’” To me, that’s less an explanation of why Maggie is acting that way, and more a way to say “We just haven’t gotten around to writing that part yet because it’s not as cool as cannibals.”