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Did Maggie Get a Lot Sexier in that Cattle Car During 'The Walking Dead's' Offseason Break?

By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | October 13, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | October 13, 2014 |

If you haven’t done so yet, read TK’s killer recap of last night’s phenomenal season premiere of The Walking Dead, which still leaves several questions unanswered (here’s a list of ten).

One question that we can definitely answer is this: Did they make Maggie “sexier” during the break? Uh, yes. Yes, they did. Here’s Maggie, where we left off at the end of last season.

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You see that? A long-sleeve, crew-neck sweater.

Now, when the show returned last night, despite the fact that the survivors had been trapped in that cattle car since last we saw them, there were a couple of minor changes. For instance, the color of Abraham’s wife beater changed for some reason. But most noticeably, while most everyone else returned wearing the same clothes they were wearing at the end of last season, Maggie did not.

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And if you’re wondering if she changed between the time she got out of the cattle car and ran from the burning Terminus, she didn’t. She was wearing the same cleavage-baring shirt in the cattle car.

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To be fair, the same thing happened with Sasha, who was also wearing a sweater at the end of last season but began this season with a less revealing, sleeveless shirt.

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Now, maybe you could argue that they were hot inside that cattle car and they had on those skimpier outfits underneath, but I don’t think so. First of all, nobody else with heavy jackets or sweaters changed their clothes, and there’s no way Maggie had another pair of pants on underneath the ones she was wearing last season.

Nope. This is definitely a case where AMC said, “Let’s take advantage of the fact that Lauren Cohan has gained a sexy reputation outside of the show and play it up a little. Even the highest rated show on television could use a little sex appeal, right?


I doubt anyone is complaining.