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The Station Agents Ep 47: "Year End Drunkstravaganza And Dead Man Walking" Edition

By Joanna Robinson | Station Agents | December 31, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Station Agents | December 31, 2013 |

In perhaps their tipsiest episode yet, Joanna, Dustin and sober-as-a-judge Josh attempt to talk about all the television they loved and hated in 2013 and all the television they’re looking forward to in 2014. Spoilers EVERYWHERE. So beware. We’ll be back in the new year with our more spoiler responsible episodes. Until then, you can find every episode of the podcast at, you can suscribe via RSS or via iTunes and you can shoot us an email any old time at [email protected] to let us know what you think of the show.

Download the most recent episode or head on over to iTunes or play it right here in your browser.

Show Notes For The Spoilerphobes!
Everywhere…dear god, they’re everywhere.

A very special thanks to Jasmine Markes who designed our logo and our magnificent tech guru, Corey Atad.