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The Station Agents Ep. 3 -- A Weekly TV Power Ranking Podcast During Which Dustin Drank An Entire Bottle Of Wine

By Joanna Robinson | Station Agents | October 24, 2012 |

By Joanna Robinson | Station Agents | October 24, 2012 |

In which Joanna calls the wrong man a p*nis, Josh says all the right things and Dustin drinks us under the table. If you’re patient and make it to the end, you can hear us play a round of “That Guy.” Every week we bring you our weekly, cumulative ranking of the 10 best episodes on television. This is a (moderately) spoiler-free way to pass an hour with your favorite overlords as they ramble about all the shows you love to watch and those you love to hate watch. You can find every episode of the podcast at, you can suscribe via RSS or via iTunes and you can shoot us an email any old time at [email protected] to let us know what you think of the show, to share a bit of TV news you think is worth discussing or to detail the way in which you’re going to injure our pets for leaving your favorite show off the list.

Download the most recent episode or play it in your browser here:

Before you hit play, beware. Here be expletives.

We want to send a special thanks to Jasmine Markes for designing our badass podcast logo and to Thatasianguy12345 for this week’s music.