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The Second 'Star Wars' Spinoff Film Will Focus on Bounty Hunters and Boba Fett

By Jodi Smith | Star Wars | May 4, 2015 |

By Jodi Smith | Star Wars | May 4, 2015 |

You remember how you used to have a favorite character in a franchise and you thought, “Man, I will never get enough of this character”? Then the Star Wars prequels happened and you decided Darth Vader was kind of a wooden bitch. Then you watched as young Boba Fett held his clone Dad’s head in his hands and decided that he’s probably got some abandonment issues or an aversion to bowling balls that led to his choice of career as bounty hunter.

Did you think that you would like an ENTIRE movie about Boba Fett? If you did, you are in luck. And you will probably be sorry. Again.

It turns out that the second Star Wars spinoff film will focus on bounty hunters. Bounty hunters like Boba Fett and…Dog? Anyway, Josh Trank will no longer be shooting the Boba spinoff, which is lucky for fans. Trank would probably cast Miles Teller as Boba and make him spend half the movie helmet-less and face punchable.

This news doesn’t mean that the entire movie will follow Boba. It just means he will definitely be in the movie. There’s a chance this whole Star Wars spin-off business could give some interesting insight into characters with little screen time in the original trilogy or those characters only appearing in the novels. It could happen.

It could also happen that a chosen few favorites will be stretched beyond their capacity to be viable subjects of dissection, creating a sprawling swath of mediocre moneygrabs intent on killing what we loved about the original characters. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Again.