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Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Feed Me? Hot Dudes with Wrinkles

By Cindy Davis | Lists | July 12, 2011 |

By Cindy Davis | Lists | July 12, 2011 |

After lamenting over Meg Ryan’s battle with aging, my mind naturally wandered to male actors. To be fair, my mind pretty much always wanders to nice looking men, so it was no oddity. People talk about how men age better than women; there’s a saying that “women get old, while men get more sophisticated or distinguished.” So, I thought I should put that theory to the test. I did enjoy doing the “research” to determine the validity of such statements and in the process, a Seriously Random List was born.

As pretty as the young lads of Hollywood are, there’s a certain something about a well-aged man. They’ve settled into themselves, they’re relaxed and aren’t quite so full of themselves. To be sure, there are those who start dressing strangely and some men are equally prone to the surgical alterations (Mickey Rourke). Others don ridiculous glasses and get bad haircuts or grow strange facial hair (Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt). But some step boldly into their wrinkles (Robert Redford) and they’re still handsome, even sexy. I really wish more women would take note and see that letting themselves age naturally can be so much more beautiful than overindulgence in needles and surgery that recreates their facial structure.

So let’s hear it for the boys…to men. Here are the best of the over-50 crowd; I defy you not to salivate over at least one of them:

10. Patrick Stewart, 70


9. Richard Gere, 61


8. Samuel L. Jackson, 62


7. Gary Oldman, 53


6. Ken Watanabe, 51


5. Antonio Banderas, 50


4. Sean Bean, 52


3. Liam Neeson, 59


2. Daniel Day-Lewis 54


1. Viggo Mortensen, 52
