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The Top Ten Canadian Box Office Draws Prove That The Era Of The Canadian Superstar Is Dead

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | July 1, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | July 1, 2013 |

There was awhile there in the 90s and early aughts when Canadians were all the rage. They populated our blockbusters and dominated our music charts. But a quick look at the top box office draws paints a bleaker picture. You have to scroll own pretty far on the list to get to even your first Canadian and once you get there, the names seem woefully out of date. Even your most Pajiba-approved export, doesn’t crop up in the top ten Canadians and ranks #456 overall. Your artistic geniuses, boy wonders and would-be action figures only rank #605, #423 and #444 respectively. You could argue that box office draw does not a superstar make. But that’s naive and wishful Pajiba-thinking folks. Here are your most popular (franchise-inhabiting) Canadians. Look on their work and despair.

10. Carrie-Anne Moss
Overall Ranking: #284
Total Gross: $826.8 million


9. Hayden Christensen
Overall Ranking: #274
Total Gross: $862.8 million
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8. Brendan Fraser
Overall Ranking: #214
Total Gross: $1,039.8 million

7. Kiefer Sutherland
Overall Ranking: #211
Total Gross: $1,047.3 million

6. Ryan Reynolds
Overall Ranking: #202
Total Gross: $1,102.5 million


5. Rachel McAdams (There’s Hope!)
Overall Ranking: #171
Total Gross: $1,240.9 million
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4. Seth Rogen (Still More!)
Overall Ranking: #123
Total Gross: $1,452.4 million

3. Keanu Reeves
Overall Ranking: #62
Total Gross: $1,784.3 million

2. Mike Myers
Overall Ranking: #36
Total Gross: $2,211.4 million

1. Jim Carrey
Overall Ranking: #23
Total Gross: $2,430.2 million


Ranking based on Box Office Mojo and income represent US Dollars. No loonies and toonies need apply.