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The Ten Best Musical Moments In 'Breaking Bad' History

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | September 28, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | September 28, 2013 |

This week’s excellent episode of Breaking Bad ended with one of the world’s greatest TV musical moments. And though it’s hard to know what, exactly, the showrunners have in store for us next week, I don’t see how they could possibly top what when on last night. But they could prove me wrong. They’ve done it a million times before. So here, without the benefit of the season finale, are the ten best musical moments in the show’s five (six?) seasons. It’s by no means a comprehensive list, I seriously regret not being able to squeeze “Bonfire” or f*cking Todd’s ringtone on here. Also, if you’re interested in going deeper into the musical world of Breaking Bad, I suggest you check out our interview with the show’s composer, Dave Porter, and keep your ears peeled for our upcoming interview with the musical supervisor Thomas Golubić. Together they’ve created some truly amazing art.

10. “On A Clear Day You Can See Forever” by The Peddlers S5 E3 Hazard Pay: One of many cooking montages in the show’s history, this smooth number from The Peddlers chronicled the last time Jesse and Walt cooked together.

9. “Black” by Danger Mouse and Norah Jones S4 Ep13 “Face-Off”: A truly memorable and intense song to chronicle one of Heisenberg’s most triumphant moments.

8. “Crapa Pelada” by Quartetto Cetro (feat. Gale Boetticher) S3 E13 “Full Measures”: What a supremely great insight into poor Gale’s inner life.

7. “Gas Can Rage” by Dave Porter S5 E12 “Rabid Dog”: This is my favorite new musical cue from the season. I love the way Porter incorporated the sound of Jesse’s screeching tires.

6. “Major Tom” by Gale Boetticher S4 E4 “Bullet Points”: I gotta come right back to Gale with this pathetic and heart-wrenching video that Hank plays for Walt and Flynn’s amusement.

5. “Windy” by The Association S3 E12 “Half Measures”: I mean, I’m not sure a blow job montage has ever had a peppier soundtrack.

4. “Crystal Blue Persuasion” by Tommy John And The Shandells S5 E 8 “Gliding Over All”: The whole creative team admitted they had been waiting a long time to pull the trigger on this moment. This is Walt and Todd’s first cook and spans the controversial 3 month gap at the end of last season.

3. “Crawl Space” by Dave Porter S4 E11 “Crawl Space”: Chronicling one of Walt’s lowest moments, the most compelling part about this cue is the sound of Walt’s pounding pulse.

2. “Enchanted” by The Platters S2 E11 “Mandala”: Just lovely. One of the show’s loveliest and most portentous moments.

1. “”Breaking Bad Main Title Theme (Extended)” by Dave Porter S5 E15 “Granite State”: How killer was the ending to last night’s episode? And what an impressive use of the main title song. This is the first time they used the familiar tune in the context of the episode and I imagine it will be the last. Amazing work from Porter, Gilligan and Cranston. As ever. I cannot wait to see what comes next.