By TK, Brian Prisco, & Dustin Rowles | Lists | August 28, 2009 |
By TK, Brian Prisco, & Dustin Rowles | Lists | August 28, 2009 |
In the best horror movies, you always want to root for the bogeyman for a while. Sometimes, horror-movie victims deserve to die, and Freddy, Jason, The Grim Reaper, and zombies can be our friend. We like to see the obnoxious twits and douche carrots garroted, decapitated, and gored before the main villain is temporarily killed in the end. It’s why we go to the movies, damnit. To see the massacre of people who don’t deserve to live.
And so, with both Halloween II and The Final Destination out in theaters, we offer up The 10 Most Schadenfreudtastic Horror Movie Deaths. (The actual death scenes are below, where available. Otherwise, it’s just the movie trailer).
Honorable Mentions: Sheri Moon (Baby), House of 1,000 Corpses & Jason Alexander (Dave), The Burning
10. JR Bourne (Benjamin Moss), 13 Ghosts
9. Dylan Moran (David), Shaun of the Dead
8. Marcia Gay Harden (Ms. Carmody), The Mist
7. Sarah Michelle Gellar (Cici) / Jada Pinkett Smith (Maureen), Scream 2
6. Paris Hilton (Paige Edwards), House of Wax
5. Sean William Scott (Billy Hitchcock), Final Destination
4. Ty Burrell (Steve), Dawn of the Dead
3. Julie Dawn Cole (Veruca Salt), Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory*
2. Karl Hardman (Cooper), Night of the Living Dead
1. Paul A. Partain (Franklin), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
* Although Wonka tells Charlie that all of the children were restored and returned safe in the end, if you go by our own personal reading of the movie, Wonka is a murderous psychopath luring children to their early graves, and he’s also already proven himself to be a convenient liar.