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The Most Embarrassingly Poncy Roles Of Your Favorite British Actors

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | November 21, 2012 |

By Joanna Robinson | Lists | November 21, 2012 |

Listen, I was an English Major with an emphasis in 19th Century British Literature. I’ve seen more than my fair share of BBC miniseries based of Dickens, Austen, et. al. And any of you who know me, know that spindly, British and poncy is sort of my ideal.

But during this, the British actor invasion, as countless limey bastards steal All-American roles (e.g. the ever so macho, spandex-clad Superman, Batman and Spider-man), it’s comforting to remember the poorly tied cravats and laughable wigs of their past. So here’s a brief list of their past accomplishments. May they keep you warm this winter.

Damian Lewis—“The Forsyte Saga”

Andrew Lincoln—“Wuthering Heights”
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Charlie Hunnam and Jamie Bell—Nicholas Nickelby
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Rupert Friend—Pride and Prejudice

Tom Hiddleston—“Return To Cranford”

Dominic West (and background Hiddleston)—“Nicholas Nickelby”

Hugh Laurie—“Blackadder”

Chris O’Dowd—“The Crimson Petal And The White”

Tom Hardy—“Wuthering Heights”
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Daniel Craig—“Moll Flanders”

Benedict Cumberbatch—“To The Ends of The Earth”/The Other Boleyn Girl

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