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The Five Worst Movies with a Year in the Title

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | November 13, 2009 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | November 13, 2009 |

Well, these lists can’t all be winners, can they? The release schedule often inspires them, and sadly, this is the best I could come up with, after SciFi Squad had already covered The Top Ten Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Flicks and Goss had already done “The Silliest Disaster Scenarios.” So, it was essentially the best or the worst five movies with the year in the title, and since only one film could honestly claim a position in the best (2001: The Space Odyssey), you get the worst, by process of elimination.

But don’t despair; in two hours, we’ll be running one of the best posts ever. If you’re a fan of a certain television show. Do check back. (The 2012 review will be along soon, as well. It’s a Roland Emmerich movie, so obviously there’s a lot to process).

5. 2010 (The sequel to 2001)

4. The Spirit of ‘76 (from the retarded Reiner brother, Lucas, and starring David Cassidy and Olivia d’Abo)

3.Death Race 2000 (the Roger Corman “classic”)

2. Year One

1.Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000